lunes, 4 de abril de 2016


In the science week the two courses of 1º ESO we will make sundials, also draw differents types of mushrooms and we have already prepared the crystallization experiment, the course of 1ºA a was already finished their crystallization experiment first, with very nice crystals, but us 1ºB, make again the crystallization experiment, recrystallization, and it was worth it because we got showy and amazing crystals. 

We will take photos about science week.

Science week: 25-29 of April

Photos of crystallization experiment 1º ESO B (final crystals)

jueves, 31 de marzo de 2016

Planets are formed from clusters of dust and expanding gas around young stars. Small grains of dust and gas bags end up crowding out effect of gravity and forming ever larger agglomerations give rise to asteroids and planets has not yet begun to burn hydrogen in its core . It has been found that there is now a new planet forming around a star.In meters around those images of VLA is where astronomers have detected the protoplanet, an accumulation of matter at a distance from the star about 10 times the distance from Earth the Sun, and that will already have a mass of between three and eight times that of our planet.

miércoles, 17 de febrero de 2016


In the last class,teacher Quesada was speaking our about mushrooms and,little by little,we ended up talking about poisonous mushromms!

What are poisonous mushrooms?
Poisonous mushrooms are dangerous organisms,that can kill or produce a disease to anyone!
Here you have a good example,the Amanita Muscarita
It is a very very poisonous mushroom,did you hear about it some time?

So,we are going to present you a top of 5 poisonous mushrooms,let´s go!

(1) Amanita Phalloides : It is the most deadly mushroom for humans, I fate killed many people , because the toxins act on the liver and kidneys, slowly killing humans.

(2) Russula emetica: Cause mild stomach disorders from half to two toxic horas.Es only lots of it.

(3) Cortinarius: They are not ver comun,and not all are so dangerous,but there are others that are very poisonous.They produce headaches,tiredness and loss o apetite about many weeks.
(4) Boletus satanas: It is not lethal,but it cans produce vomit and indigestion.
(5) Lactarius torminosus: It isn´t very dangerous,so it cans only produce symptons of bellyache,from 15 minutes to 3 hours after eat it.

I hope you like it!
Which mushroom do you think that is most dangerous?

jueves, 14 de enero de 2016

What was before,the egg or the chicken?

It is a very complicated question.
But... Why?
Because,a person can think that the answer stay in internet,and,later to read it,this person "knows" the aswer. But... What do you think about the possibility that another person could think that the answer is not completely studied?

Greek philosopher Aristotle (Aristóteles) always said that is always present before the potential, the man always precedes the sperm, and the chicken precedes the egg.
Really, a lot of philosophers,scientifics and other persons have a lot of explanation for this answer,but... I am going to choose the most "popular answer" so... Are you ready?

The first chicken could to leave a chiken´s egg.

So,the correct anser about it,is,definitely that the egg was before tha chicken

So,after this,I would like that you comment about this item.

What do you think could have been first, the chicken or the egg?

martes, 5 de enero de 2016


The stras are spherical heavenly bodies formed by enormous quantities of gases and that issue own light. The stras have three characteristics that are: color, size and sheen.
Color: it depends on the temperature of the star, and goes from the blue of 30.000º C, up to the red one of 3.000º C. And always the cores of the stars have a much higher temperature.
Size: compared the size of the stars with the Sun, they classify under giants, very much major that the Sun, medians like the Sun and dwarfs are smaller than the Sun.
Sheen: it depends on the distance to the one that is the star of the Earth. Beyond, lees I shine and more nearby, more I shine.
The origin and the death of the stars.
·The stars are formed with the cloudy ones on having be compacted in certain zones.
·The death of an star happens when it exhausts his fuel. His end depends on his mass.
Our star is the Sun.