miércoles, 17 de febrero de 2016


In the last class,teacher Quesada was speaking our about mushrooms and,little by little,we ended up talking about poisonous mushromms!

What are poisonous mushrooms?
Poisonous mushrooms are dangerous organisms,that can kill or produce a disease to anyone!
Here you have a good example,the Amanita Muscarita
It is a very very poisonous mushroom,did you hear about it some time?

So,we are going to present you a top of 5 poisonous mushrooms,let´s go!

(1) Amanita Phalloides : It is the most deadly mushroom for humans, I fate killed many people , because the toxins act on the liver and kidneys, slowly killing humans.

(2) Russula emetica: Cause mild stomach disorders from half to two toxic horas.Es only lots of it.

(3) Cortinarius: They are not ver comun,and not all are so dangerous,but there are others that are very poisonous.They produce headaches,tiredness and loss o apetite about many weeks.
(4) Boletus satanas: It is not lethal,but it cans produce vomit and indigestion.
(5) Lactarius torminosus: It isn´t very dangerous,so it cans only produce symptons of bellyache,from 15 minutes to 3 hours after eat it.

I hope you like it!
Which mushroom do you think that is most dangerous?