jueves, 17 de diciembre de 2015

On 27 of november , I saw how Jupiter eclipsed Io.
First, I located Jupiter with my telescope. Later, I saw where was Io, and I saw how Io saw it time less. Roemer, in the year 1676, discovered the velocity of the light thanks to the eclipses of Io.

Pablo Delgado Alaminos 1º B

viernes, 11 de diciembre de 2015

Carina Nebula.

Picture of Carina Nebula

The second brightest star of the sky is located in Carina Nebula.

Is one of the most massive stars of the Galaxy. Its name is Carinae (canopo) is a white-yellow  supergigant, at 310 light years distance.

The Milky Way crosses Carina, the Constellation contains several open clusters,  such as NGC 2516 and IC 2602. This last one is known as the "Southern Pleiades".

martes, 8 de diciembre de 2015

The Milky Way

The Milky Way is the galaxy that contains our Solar SystemIt is a spiral galaxy and contains between 200.000 and 400.000 million stars, and 100.000 million planets.
The Milky Way has got three parts: the halo, the spiral arms and the galactic center. 
The spiral arms contain a lot of interstellar gas and dust. Our Sun is there, in the Orion Arm.
The galactic center is the Milky Way's center. It consists on millions of old stars.
The halo rounds the galaxy. It has got isolated stars. 
You can see the Milky Way as a band of white light in the sky at night, but it is difficult because there is a lot of contamination.

domingo, 6 de diciembre de 2015

The Eclipses

An eclipse can be from Moon or from Sun.
When is the Moon. The Earth is between the Sun and the Moon. The shadow from the Earth cover the Moon and in a part of the Earth the Moon don't see. An eclipes of Moon, can be partial and total.
When is the Sun. The Moon is between the Sun and the Earth. The shadow from the Moon cover the Earth, and in a part of the Earth the Sun don't see. An eclipse of Sun, can be partial, total or annular.

lunes, 30 de noviembre de 2015

Oceans , such as forests , capture emissions of carbon is a phenomenon that can endanger the survival of coral habitats and threatened animals that live in the emissions of carbon dioxide generated by human activity . However , in the case of the deep sea, the accumulation of this gas results in an increase in the acidity of the seas. An average increase of almost 30 % since the industrial revolution began its journey , over 200 years ago. And that by the end of the century can reach 150% . Thiss a phenomenon that can endanger the survival of coral habitats and threatened animals that live in them

sábado, 28 de noviembre de 2015

dicover part of the matter in the big bang

;The dimensions of the universe are difficult to understand. 1,300,000 Land many of them larger than our star to reach the volume of the Sun, would be needed and it is estimated that only in the Milky Way, the galaxy we inhabit, contains more than 200,000 million stars. Yet these stars do not involve much more than 8% of normal matter  that was created at the origin of the cosmos and are made of human or planets. The remaining 90% are ionized gas clouds in which the temperature has separated electrons protons. Despite the enormous amount of matter in these clouds until now had only been able to detect between 20 and 30% of the content of the universe, the part that was hot enough to be seen with X-ray telescopes The rest remained undetectable, such as dark matter.

martes, 10 de noviembre de 2015

Welcome to Science

Hello to everybody and welcome to our new blog. As you know, we have a blog for our classes but this is just for you, for the students. Here you can write about whatever you like related to Science. Astronomy, Biology, Geology, Phisics, Chemistry... and of course about what we do in our clases. And as you are bilingual students, you are going to write in English. It doesn't matter if you have some mistakes; the most important thing is thinking and writing in English. In my opinion this is a good aim to learn both Science and English. So, we are willing to read your posts.
Best regards.